We Have All The Time In The World
Jonah at the June Clown Jam
here's another in what is
a delightfully extended series
of shots of the beamish boy
and his dad
taking part in their
cross-generational clown jam.
The kid does a great
little hobo clown.
I love how he's
clinging to this sunflower
like a wino to his bottle.
tears of a clown
Just like Pagliacci did / I try to keep my sadness hid / Smiling in the public eye
but in a lonely room I cry / the tears of a clown /when there's no-one around." -- William 'Smokey' Robinson Jr, Tears of a Clown.
Pagliacci: Pagliacci, an opera by Ruggiero Leoncavallo, is about a clown who must make the audience laugh while he weeps behind his makeup because his wife betrayed him.
A rare photomanip from me. Based on a detail from a photo I took today of a fairground-style laughing clown stall.
My entry in the deviantart.com Word of the Week competition for the word 'hidden'.