It Might As Well Be Spring – Asmund Bjørken Sextet · Jan Erik Kongshaug 






It Might As Well Be Spring – Alena Pol' · ASK TRIO






It Might As Well Be Spring – Herb Geller






It Might As Well Be Spring – Herb Ellis with bassist Dave Maslow






It Might As Well Be Spring – Helena Ek · Peter Janson






It Might As Well Be Spring – Emily McEwan






It Might As Well Be Spring – Elaine Delmar · Barry Green · Simon Thorpe · Jim Mullen






It Might As Well Be Spring – Dina Blade






It Might As Well Be Spring – Helena Camps · Pol Omedes · Toni Mora Tur · Xavi Castillo · Adrià Cla






It Might As Well Be Spring – Helen Merrill






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