Jackson Browne / Looking East



1     Looking East     4:57

2     The Barricades Of Heaven     5:42


3     Some Bridges     4:51

4     Information Wars     5:14

5     I'm The Cat     3:56

6     Culver Moon     5:45

7     Baby How Long     5:05

8     Niño     5:13

9     Alive In The World     4:51

10   It Is one     4:54




Art Direction Jackson Browne

Engineer Paul Dieter

Engineer [Assisted By] Bob Salcedo, Sebastian Haimerl

Lead Vocals Jackson Browne

Mastered By Doug Sax, Gavin Lurssen

Mixed By Ed Cherney

Other [Major Domo] Bill Irvin

Other [Science Officer] Ed Wong

Photography By Frank Ockenfels

Photography By [Cat Photo] Dianna Cohen

Photography By [Dolphins Photo] Rob Gilley

Photography By [Portrait] Nels Israelson

Producer Kevin McCormick, Scott Thurston
















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