B.B King / To Know You is to love You (73)

1. I Like to Live the Love (Crawford/Mann) - 3:29
2. Respect Yourself (Ingram/Rice) - 5:13
3. Who Are You (Crawford/Johnson) - 3:55
4. Love (King) - 4:12
5. I Can't Leave (Crawford) - 4:14
6. To Know You Is to Love You (Wonder/Wright) - 8:34
7. Oh to Me (Crawford) - 4:28
8. Thank You for Loving the Blues (King) - 6:49


The Memphis Horns - Horn
Charles Mann - Keyboards, Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
Roland Chambers - Guitar
Norman Harris - Guitar
Wayne Jackson - Trumpet, Horn
Ron Kersey - Keyboards
B.B. King - Guitar
Andrew Love - Horn, Saxophone
Vince Montana - Vocals (bckgr), Vibraphone
Philadelphia Strings - Strings
Elli Tarkesty - Guitar
Joe Tarsia - Engineer
Eli Tartarsky - Guitar
Larry Washington - Percussion, Conga
Stevie Wonder - Piano, Keyboards
Earl Young - Drums
Dave Crawford - Keyboards, Vocals (bckgr), Producer
Ron Baker - Bass


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