Tim Blake ‎/ The Tide Of The Century




1     Nature 'L'     3:28

2    The Tide Of The Century     8:09

3     St. Dolay     5:17

4     Crystal Island     8:23

Vocals Christiane Vitard

5     Byzantium Dancing     9:14

Guitar Min Tse Chou

Synthesizer [Analog] 'Stof' Kovaks

6     Sarajevo (Remember)     5:16

7     Tribulations     3:57

Guitar, Programmed By [Extra Programming] Min Tse Chou

Rap Loys Kerhoas

Vocals Christiane Vitard, Marie-Anne Vitard




Artwork [Infography, Maquette] Moonweed

Painting [Cover Painting] Corinne Pousse

Photography By Corinne Wilson

Producer Moonweed

Recorded By, Performer, Written-By Tim Blake



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